Austria is a country full of mountains – most of them however are located in the west. Spots for climbing are therefore rather rare in or near Vienna but of course there are some uphill sections.
One of my favorites is Exelberg, located in Wienerwald on the western edge of Vienna. To get there from the city center take Alser Straße, Alszeile and then Neuwaldegger Straße until you reach a roundabout. Turn left here and right on the next roundabout, the sign says „Tulln“. You may have noticed it has already been slightly uphill until here. Now the scenery changes and nature takes over. A couple of hundred meters into there is a zebra crossing where the official strava segment starts. On the right hand to the street there is a huge park and a public grilling site.
The climb averages 6% on 3,5km and is rather steady. What I like about the climb are the five hairpins that give you a feeling of „real“ mountains. And of course I alway enjoy the breathtaking view over the city – even after having climbed Exelberg more than a hundred times (I live nearby).
On the top you can see the radio tower and then have the choice to turn either left to Sophienalpe and back into the city or keep straight in direction of Tulln or Klosterneuburg with a couple of other nice climbs neary.